Dnd Tips & Tricks

4 Best DnD 5e Books to Get as a Player

4 Best DnD 5e Books to Get as a Player

Rory Hoffman

This article helps narrow down the options you have as a player for buying sourcebooks to play DnD. The books listed here are all for 5e, and help give more...

4 Best DnD 5e Books to Get as a Player

Rory Hoffman

This article helps narrow down the options you have as a player for buying sourcebooks to play DnD. The books listed here are all for 5e, and help give more...

How to do voices: 6 Tips for Creating Memorable NPC Voices

How to do voices: 6 Tips for Creating Memorable...

Rory Hoffman

Getting people to do voices for their characters is one of the most insurmountable barriers when starting out as a DM. But, a great way to encourage this kind of...

How to do voices: 6 Tips for Creating Memorable...

Rory Hoffman

Getting people to do voices for their characters is one of the most insurmountable barriers when starting out as a DM. But, a great way to encourage this kind of...

The Town of Bismuth

The Town of Bismuth

Rory Hoffman

This post provides the free asset of Bismuth, a coastal town that is a common port for sailors and travellers moving along the cost. It is isolated other than by...

The Town of Bismuth

Rory Hoffman

This post provides the free asset of Bismuth, a coastal town that is a common port for sailors and travellers moving along the cost. It is isolated other than by...

1 Question that Makes Character Building Easy

1 Question that Makes Character Building Easy

Rory Hoffman

Character building in DnD can be incredibly fun, especially if you have ideas for classes and races to combine and use, but sometimes players have the roleplaying part of their...

1 Question that Makes Character Building Easy

Rory Hoffman

Character building in DnD can be incredibly fun, especially if you have ideas for classes and races to combine and use, but sometimes players have the roleplaying part of their...

4 Tips for Longform Improvised Narratives

4 Tips for Longform Improvised Narratives

Rory Hoffman

The two broad jobs of the DM are to act as interpreter of the rules, and facilitate the players’ movements and actions within the world. The real trouble of DMing...

4 Tips for Longform Improvised Narratives

Rory Hoffman

The two broad jobs of the DM are to act as interpreter of the rules, and facilitate the players’ movements and actions within the world. The real trouble of DMing...

dnd npcs

7 NPCs to Use in your DnD Towns and Cities

Rory Hoffman

The party walks into a carefully prepared town or city, with specifically arranged NPCs, only to pull a random person off the street to question. This means thinking up names,...

7 NPCs to Use in your DnD Towns and Cities

Rory Hoffman

The party walks into a carefully prepared town or city, with specifically arranged NPCs, only to pull a random person off the street to question. This means thinking up names,...