We're very proud to announce that we'll be partnering with Pack Tactics for an upcoming Kickstarter. Pack Tactics is an amazing YouTube channel that has been in operation for four years, with over 15 years of TTRPG experience. They make excellent rule breakdowns, reviews, and character creation videos, which is why we've been fans of theirs for years. We are so excited to be partnering with them to create custom Pack Tactics dice sets to make available for their wonderful viewers.
The Dice
The Pack Tactics Dice are going to be created in the same style as our Little Friends sets, with the heads of Kobold and Gator, Pack Tactics' iconic two characters, set inside. That way Kobold and Gator will be able to take part in all of your weekly games, just like they've always wanted, and you'll have a couple new friends to bring to your table. We're currently in the process of hammering out the samples, getting the details right so the Kobold dice actually look like the Kobold you've come to know and love, and the Gator dice are the same. We haven't completely finalized the dice, but we're in the final stages of getting the samples ready. Like our Little Friends sets, the Pack Tactics dice will be made of resin, with the figurines inside made using the same density material as the encasement, so they'll remain balanced (plus we test the dice for balance before shipping just in case). The transparent outer layer will let you see Kobold set inside the dice, staring back at you in pride, and Gator looking out of his dice with a wink of approval.
The Adventures
In addition to the dice we're also brewing up two adventures, conceived by Pack Tactics themselves, for you to enjoy. The first will be available as an add on, and will be the early bird reward for everyone that backs the project just after launch. The second will be one of our stretch goals, a little something for us all to reach for on this campaign to create some awesome Pack Tactics dice. We can't give away too much, but with Pack Tactics background in GMing Call of Cthulhu games suffice it to say that there will be intrigue and mystery afoot in both. And, the Kobolds and Gators will be present in both, so you can see what it's like to be immersed in an adventure with your favorite D&D YouTube personalities themselves.
How You Can Help
Just like our previous three Kickstarter campaigns, helping out is easy! We're going to have multiple tiers available for you to back at, with a bunch of different price points so that you can support Pack Tactics without breaking the bank, or reserve multiple sets right off the drop. That said, you can also support the informative and entertaining YouTubers without spending a dime, simply by letting people know that this project is coming up.
Campaigns like this help the community grow, help support the amazing creators like Pack Tactics to continue doing their good work. It's also a great way for them to give back to their loyal supporters, giving new options for cool dice and expanding the ways to connect with their audience.