Terra Incognita: The Retro RPG you Didn't Know You Needed

Terra Incognita: The Retro RPG you Didn't Know You Needed

Cookie cutter class and race descriptions have dominated the RPG landscape for time immemorial. Different ears and eyes, height variations, darkvision, these are not the elements that make for unique gameplay and captivating lore. Built with inspiration from the old-school fantasy of the past, with a brand new race and class system easy to merge with 5e, Terra Incognita is addition you need to your next tabletop game night.

Dive into character creation with this reimagined system

Built on the race and class foundations of Fifth Edition, Terra Incognita sheds the pick-a-lane character creation of D&D, and allows you to build heroes that perfectly match your vision. Instead of gaining specific features and traits as you level up in a class, you can choose what you gain at each level, slowly but surely increasing your abilities as you play. With broad classes to choose from, you can begin crafting your perfect adventurer right away. Here are the classes you'll have access to.

  • Warrior: bold and martial focused, the warrior is the modern day Conan, triumphing at all costs.
  • Hunter: deadly and quiet, the hunter can act as everything from an eagle-eyed sharpshooter to a careful assassin.
  • Explorer: crafty and wise, the explorer knows the wilderness inside and out, roguish and competent they are prepared for any situation.
  • Artisan: with a mind for tech and the knowledge to pull it off, these inventors and innovators are always two steps ahead.
  • Stitcher: casters of beast magic, it's always hard to tell where the human ends and the animal begins.
  • Mystic: wielders of great elemental power, the mystic bends the material world to their will.

And that's not all!

Not only are there six unique class options, but Terra Incognita comes with 12 races as well. Bear people, bird people, insect people, creatures of the water and those who live multiple lives, the races that walk Terra Incognita are many. The variety of options is wide, and each comes with distinctly different abilities and features that you can choose from as you age and level up. 

Between the class and race options provided, your ability to create custom, unique characters is unmatched. Terra Incognita provides a new and innovative system for building adventurers, one that changes the whole TTRPG game. And that's just the surface, wait until you find out what lies beneath...

The Hollow Earth

The world of Terra Incognita is more than just new character creation mechanics, it comes with stunning lore that covers everything from the gods in the heavens to the hidden world inside the earth's crust. With in depth guides to the flora and fauna, a dedicated pantheon, and the long-kept secret of the hidden world beneath the surface, Terra Incognita provides an incredibly rich tapestry upon which to weave your stories. The creatures match the environment, the gods watch down upon it all, and mystery lurks in every glade and valley.

As if that wasn't enough...

Between the unique characters and effervescent world Terra Incognita is a gem of a TTRPG, but to cap it all off there is also a campaign included. This epic, world-saving campaign pits you against the mysterious threat of ancient terrors, and culminates with the creation of the world's only hope: a mega-weapon capable of saving the world, or destroying it.

Terra Incognita is live on Kickstarter for 26 more days. Back the project and unlock the unlimited character customizability and vivid world before it's too late!

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